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Hawthorn-Crataegus - is a great tonic for the heart! But it helps circulation and digestion too.
What are the benefits of summer fruits like elder and hawthorn berries?
Spring Remedies you might not think of, but often used by homoeopaths a century ago!
Spring Remedies you might not think of, but often used by homoeopaths a century ago!
Bad breath? Smelly, offensive air from your mouth. Burping foul stuff? Here's what you need to know.
Miasm? The underlying cross-current of ill-health we carry with us, dragging us off course.
After last month's blog on understanding potency, Jonathan explains his potency tool, a way to help decide what potency, and dosage, to use.
Potency Tool! How do homoeopaths judge the appropriate potency of a remedy for a patient. Here are some suggestions.
Christine Sloan, one of our members, contributes some thoughts on what potency means and how she uses it.
Is homeopathy safe is the most frequently searched for topic on many sites! Here's the answer!
Caroline Greene RSAPH writes about her experience with one of her first patients - a baby with bad skin problems.
Ageing produces mental and physical deterioration. Homeopathy for older people helps old bones recover their energy and enjoyment, and cut the pain!
With all the worry about Covid 19, we've put up a page on the kind of homeopathic remedies that help people who are under great stress of anxiety.
Anxiety before an exam or before an illness can cripple our ability to live sensibly. What remedies have been found to help in this situation>